
pkg update's avatar
pkg update



나는 프로그래밍을 Solaris에서 시작했고, FreeBSD의 오랜 팬이자 사용자였지만, 이제 와서는 BSD를 권하지 않음. 내 개인적으로도 이젠 더이상 쓰지 않고 있고. 물론 BSD가 특정 시나리오에서는 매우 뛰어난, 그리고 일반적으로 좋은 서버 OS라는 점은 지금도 유효하지만, 더이상 개인이 사용할 우위점은 거의 없다고 생각함.

  1. 리눅스가 충분히 안정화되었고, 가장 안정적인 OS를 찾는다면 RHEL(+클론들)을 쓰면 됨. 대형 유저들이 많으며, 전문가 집단이 구성하고 충분히 테스트한 OS임.
  2. 리눅스가 de facto standard여서, 더 효율적인 솔루션들이 있더라도 작은 차이라도 큰 특수 분야가 아니라면 굳이 다른 방법을 찾는 비용을 정당화하기 어려움. 무엇보다 유지보수, 확장, 인프라 이전 등 모든 면에서 리눅스가 제일은 아닐지 몰라도 충분히 쌈.
  3. 보안에 있어서도 OpenBSD의 품질은 대단하지만, 대형 리눅스 배포판들 또한 취약점 패치 속도에서 매우 빠른 편이고 보안 툴들도 잘 갖추고 있음. 이제 양자간 개발자, 사용자 숫자의 차이는 인원과 설계의 질로 메꿀 수 있는 수준이 아니라고 봄.

pkg update's avatar
pkg update



나는 프로그래밍을 Solaris에서 시작했고, FreeBSD의 오랜 팬이자 사용자였지만, 이제 와서는 BSD를 권하지 않음. 내 개인적으로도 이젠 더이상 쓰지 않고 있고. 물론 BSD가 특정 시나리오에서는 매우 뛰어난, 그리고 일반적으로 좋은 서버 OS라는 점은 지금도 유효하지만, 더이상 개인이 사용할 우위점은 거의 없다고 생각함.

  1. 리눅스가 충분히 안정화되었고, 가장 안정적인 OS를 찾는다면 RHEL(+클론들)을 쓰면 됨. 대형 유저들이 많으며, 전문가 집단이 구성하고 충분히 테스트한 OS임.
  2. 리눅스가 de facto standard여서, 더 효율적인 솔루션들이 있더라도 작은 차이라도 큰 특수 분야가 아니라면 굳이 다른 방법을 찾는 비용을 정당화하기 어려움. 무엇보다 유지보수, 확장, 인프라 이전 등 모든 면에서 리눅스가 제일은 아닐지 몰라도 충분히 쌈.
  3. 보안에 있어서도 OpenBSD의 품질은 대단하지만, 대형 리눅스 배포판들 또한 취약점 패치 속도에서 매우 빠른 편이고 보안 툴들도 잘 갖추고 있음. 이제 양자간 개발자, 사용자 숫자의 차이는 인원과 설계의 질로 메꿀 수 있는 수준이 아니라고 봄.

pkg update's avatar
pkg update



나는 프로그래밍을 Solaris에서 시작했고, FreeBSD의 오랜 팬이자 사용자였지만, 이제 와서는 BSD를 권하지 않음. 내 개인적으로도 이젠 더이상 쓰지 않고 있고. 물론 BSD가 특정 시나리오에서는 매우 뛰어난, 그리고 일반적으로 좋은 서버 OS라는 점은 지금도 유효하지만, 더이상 개인이 사용할 우위점은 거의 없다고 생각함.

  1. 리눅스가 충분히 안정화되었고, 가장 안정적인 OS를 찾는다면 RHEL(+클론들)을 쓰면 됨. 대형 유저들이 많으며, 전문가 집단이 구성하고 충분히 테스트한 OS임.
  2. 리눅스가 de facto standard여서, 더 효율적인 솔루션들이 있더라도 작은 차이라도 큰 특수 분야가 아니라면 굳이 다른 방법을 찾는 비용을 정당화하기 어려움. 무엇보다 유지보수, 확장, 인프라 이전 등 모든 면에서 리눅스가 제일은 아닐지 몰라도 충분히 쌈.
  3. 보안에 있어서도 OpenBSD의 품질은 대단하지만, 대형 리눅스 배포판들 또한 취약점 패치 속도에서 매우 빠른 편이고 보안 툴들도 잘 갖추고 있음. 이제 양자간 개발자, 사용자 숫자의 차이는 인원과 설계의 질로 메꿀 수 있는 수준이 아니라고 봄.

pkg update's avatar
pkg update



나는 프로그래밍을 Solaris에서 시작했고, FreeBSD의 오랜 팬이자 사용자였지만, 이제 와서는 BSD를 권하지 않음. 내 개인적으로도 이젠 더이상 쓰지 않고 있고. 물론 BSD가 특정 시나리오에서는 매우 뛰어난, 그리고 일반적으로 좋은 서버 OS라는 점은 지금도 유효하지만, 더이상 개인이 사용할 우위점은 거의 없다고 생각함.

  1. 리눅스가 충분히 안정화되었고, 가장 안정적인 OS를 찾는다면 RHEL(+클론들)을 쓰면 됨. 대형 유저들이 많으며, 전문가 집단이 구성하고 충분히 테스트한 OS임.
  2. 리눅스가 de facto standard여서, 더 효율적인 솔루션들이 있더라도 작은 차이라도 큰 특수 분야가 아니라면 굳이 다른 방법을 찾는 비용을 정당화하기 어려움. 무엇보다 유지보수, 확장, 인프라 이전 등 모든 면에서 리눅스가 제일은 아닐지 몰라도 충분히 쌈.
  3. 보안에 있어서도 OpenBSD의 품질은 대단하지만, 대형 리눅스 배포판들 또한 취약점 패치 속도에서 매우 빠른 편이고 보안 툴들도 잘 갖추고 있음. 이제 양자간 개발자, 사용자 숫자의 차이는 인원과 설계의 질로 메꿀 수 있는 수준이 아니라고 봄.

pkg update's avatar
pkg update



나는 프로그래밍을 Solaris에서 시작했고, FreeBSD의 오랜 팬이자 사용자였지만, 이제 와서는 BSD를 권하지 않음. 내 개인적으로도 이젠 더이상 쓰지 않고 있고. 물론 BSD가 특정 시나리오에서는 매우 뛰어난, 그리고 일반적으로 좋은 서버 OS라는 점은 지금도 유효하지만, 더이상 개인이 사용할 우위점은 거의 없다고 생각함.

  1. 리눅스가 충분히 안정화되었고, 가장 안정적인 OS를 찾는다면 RHEL(+클론들)을 쓰면 됨. 대형 유저들이 많으며, 전문가 집단이 구성하고 충분히 테스트한 OS임.
  2. 리눅스가 de facto standard여서, 더 효율적인 솔루션들이 있더라도 작은 차이라도 큰 특수 분야가 아니라면 굳이 다른 방법을 찾는 비용을 정당화하기 어려움. 무엇보다 유지보수, 확장, 인프라 이전 등 모든 면에서 리눅스가 제일은 아닐지 몰라도 충분히 쌈.
  3. 보안에 있어서도 OpenBSD의 품질은 대단하지만, 대형 리눅스 배포판들 또한 취약점 패치 속도에서 매우 빠른 편이고 보안 툴들도 잘 갖추고 있음. 이제 양자간 개발자, 사용자 숫자의 차이는 인원과 설계의 질로 메꿀 수 있는 수준이 아니라고 봄.

pkg update's avatar
pkg update



나는 프로그래밍을 Solaris에서 시작했고, FreeBSD의 오랜 팬이자 사용자였지만, 이제 와서는 BSD를 권하지 않음. 내 개인적으로도 이젠 더이상 쓰지 않고 있고. 물론 BSD가 특정 시나리오에서는 매우 뛰어난, 그리고 일반적으로 좋은 서버 OS라는 점은 지금도 유효하지만, 더이상 개인이 사용할 우위점은 거의 없다고 생각함.

  1. 리눅스가 충분히 안정화되었고, 가장 안정적인 OS를 찾는다면 RHEL(+클론들)을 쓰면 됨. 대형 유저들이 많으며, 전문가 집단이 구성하고 충분히 테스트한 OS임.
  2. 리눅스가 de facto standard여서, 더 효율적인 솔루션들이 있더라도 작은 차이라도 큰 특수 분야가 아니라면 굳이 다른 방법을 찾는 비용을 정당화하기 어려움. 무엇보다 유지보수, 확장, 인프라 이전 등 모든 면에서 리눅스가 제일은 아닐지 몰라도 충분히 쌈.
  3. 보안에 있어서도 OpenBSD의 품질은 대단하지만, 대형 리눅스 배포판들 또한 취약점 패치 속도에서 매우 빠른 편이고 보안 툴들도 잘 갖추고 있음. 이제 양자간 개발자, 사용자 숫자의 차이는 인원과 설계의 질로 메꿀 수 있는 수준이 아니라고 봄.

HyperFlint's avatar


We all been there

オガサワラペンギン's avatar


ascon製GIGAスクール構想対応タブレットAT-08をLinuxで使う | documents


Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮's avatar
Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮


Wine 10.2 and vkd3d 1.15 released with more Bluetooth driver progress and support for setting thread priorities gamingonlinux.com/2025/02/wine

C & C++ Weekly's avatar
C & C++ Weekly


Cpp discussed as a Rust replacement for Linux Kernel


Discussions: discu.eu/q/https://lore.kernel

T’Chris's avatar


if were a car

If linux were a car: the picture is showing 4 cars.
A green reliable one for linux mint, an old one for debian, a steam-punk car for kali, and different spare parts and pieces of a car for Arch linux
VANT's avatar


Hacer Match con tu nuevo equipo Linux es fácil, hacerlo con un 5% de descuento, sólo en ocasiones especiales.

Cuando tu corazón y tu cabeza coinciden, di que sí.

Haz Match por aquí 👉 vantpc.es

Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮's avatar
Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮


Left 4 Dead 2 gets a compatibility update for Linux gamingonlinux.com/2025/02/left

Linux Is Best's avatar
Linux Is Best


You are going to have to trust me when I say, use Linux.

If you need 2nd PC for gaming. Fine.

But use your Linux PC for everything else. Banking, shopping, ect. If it important and can identify you, use Linux.

It does not matter what Linux distro. Newbies, I would suggest Ultramarine. But ultimately, anything is better than nothing. Do not make any excuses. Find away to use Linux.

Linux Is Best's avatar
Linux Is Best


You are going to have to trust me when I say, use Linux.

If you need 2nd PC for gaming. Fine.

But use your Linux PC for everything else. Banking, shopping, ect. If it important and can identify you, use Linux.

It does not matter what Linux distro. Newbies, I would suggest Ultramarine. But ultimately, anything is better than nothing. Do not make any excuses. Find away to use Linux.

Neil Brown's avatar
Neil Brown


Tempted to move from proprietary software/platforms?

Here's what works for me:



Windows/macOS --> Debian
Word/Pages --> LibreOffice Writer
Outlook/Mail --> Thunderbird/mutt
Gmail --> postfix/dovecot
WhatsApp --> Snikket/Signal
PowerPoint/Keynote --> reveal.js
Zoom --> Jitsi
Chrome/Safari --> Firefox
Dropbox/iCloud --> Nextcloud
Microsoft Forms --> LiberaForms

Jason 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 🇨🇦 :noverify:'s avatar
Jason 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 🇨🇦 :noverify:


Best part of my daily-driver journey (a.k.a. “linux all the things”) is this cursed bootscreen.

A Microsoft surface booting Ubuntu Linux.
Jason 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 🇨🇦 :noverify:'s avatar
Jason 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 🇨🇦 :noverify:


Best part of my daily-driver journey (a.k.a. “linux all the things”) is this cursed bootscreen.

A Microsoft surface booting Ubuntu Linux.
Andy Piper's avatar
Andy Piper


We could all do with more music from independent artists in our lives, so I wrote about how I'm trying to help with that, in my own small way.


AliveDevil's avatar


Naming convention for --env-file?
Do you use .service.env, or .env.service.

.env.service4 (27%)
.service.env11 (73%)
AliveDevil's avatar


Naming convention for --env-file?
Do you use .service.env, or .env.service.

.env.service4 (27%)
.service.env11 (73%)
Cliff's avatar


What operating systems do you use?

This includes on your PC/computer and mobile devices, or anywhere else for that matter. Select all that apply!

Please BOOST for maximum exposure to the

If your choice isn't listed, simply comment and let's discuss things!

Windows1445 (18%)
Linux2288 (28%)
MacOS1039 (13%)
Unix188 (2%)
ChromeOS133 (2%)
iOS1069 (13%)
Android1834 (23%)
Other -> Comment below!145 (2%)
Cliff's avatar


What operating systems do you use?

This includes on your PC/computer and mobile devices, or anywhere else for that matter. Select all that apply!

Please BOOST for maximum exposure to the

If your choice isn't listed, simply comment and let's discuss things!

Windows1445 (18%)
Linux2288 (28%)
MacOS1039 (13%)
Unix188 (2%)
ChromeOS133 (2%)
iOS1069 (13%)
Android1834 (23%)
Other -> Comment below!145 (2%)
Cliff's avatar


What operating systems do you use?

This includes on your PC/computer and mobile devices, or anywhere else for that matter. Select all that apply!

Please BOOST for maximum exposure to the

If your choice isn't listed, simply comment and let's discuss things!

Windows1445 (18%)
Linux2288 (28%)
MacOS1039 (13%)
Unix188 (2%)
ChromeOS133 (2%)
iOS1069 (13%)
Android1834 (23%)
Other -> Comment below!145 (2%)
nixCraft 🐧's avatar
nixCraft 🐧


The rsync utility in Linux, *BSD, and Unix-like systems are vulnerable to multiple security issues, including arbitrary code execution, arbitrary file upload, information disclosure, and privilege escalation. Hence, you must patch the system ASAP cyberciti.biz/linux-news/cve-2

A critical vulnerability (CVE-2024-12084 and five others) requires immediate patching on Linux, *BSD, macOS, and Unix-like systems to protect your systems from attacks. Update Rsync now!
nixCraft 🐧's avatar
nixCraft 🐧


The rsync utility in Linux, *BSD, and Unix-like systems are vulnerable to multiple security issues, including arbitrary code execution, arbitrary file upload, information disclosure, and privilege escalation. Hence, you must patch the system ASAP cyberciti.biz/linux-news/cve-2

A critical vulnerability (CVE-2024-12084 and five others) requires immediate patching on Linux, *BSD, macOS, and Unix-like systems to protect your systems from attacks. Update Rsync now!
nixCraft 🐧's avatar
nixCraft 🐧


The rsync utility in Linux, *BSD, and Unix-like systems are vulnerable to multiple security issues, including arbitrary code execution, arbitrary file upload, information disclosure, and privilege escalation. Hence, you must patch the system ASAP cyberciti.biz/linux-news/cve-2

A critical vulnerability (CVE-2024-12084 and five others) requires immediate patching on Linux, *BSD, macOS, and Unix-like systems to protect your systems from attacks. Update Rsync now!
FriendlyEMP's avatar


Thinking of making a career change. Been tinkering with since high school, thinking it'd be a great basis for a new career. Any advice on where to start? No certs or college education, based in the US.

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Steve Langasek, One of Ubuntu Linux's Leading Lights, Has Died

Link: thenewstack.io/steve-langasek-
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


The Comet is a handheld Linux computer that brings extensibility

Link: mecha.so/comet
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


ELKS: Linux for 16-bit Intel Processors

Link: github.com/ghaerr/elks
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Linux Context Switching Internals: Process State and Memory

Link: blog.codingconfessions.com/p/l
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

☢️ᗪ乇ᗪ丂乇匚☢️'s avatar


Happy New Year DedSec Family! 🥳

☢️ᗪ乇ᗪ丂乇匚☢️'s avatar


Happy New Year DedSec Family! 🥳

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Cook: Colliding with the SHA prefix of Linux's initial Git commit

Link: lwn.net/Articles/1003797/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Why Linux is not ready for the desktop, the final edition

Link: itvision.altervista.org/why.li
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Are Immutable Linux Distros right for you?

Link: linuxblog.io/immutable-linux-d
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Marcos Dione's avatar
Marcos Dione


What to try ? Ask around, specially friends, what distro to try. Download a live CD and try it that way. If you have old HW sitting around, try installing there first. If not, try dual booting. Test the waters before you jump. If you get into any trouble, seek help from the distro's community; many have "instant chat" like IRC or others. Mastodon is possible, but it's slower because of the async'ty and pasting config files is awkward. Good luck!

PS: if the jargon si too much, just ask.

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Tracing packets in the Linux kernel networking stack and friends

Link: github.com/retis-org/retis
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Automotive Grade Linux Launches New Expert Group Led by Toyota

Link: automotivelinux.org/announceme
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Solaar is a Linux manager for many Logitech keyboards, mice, and other devices

Link: github.com/pwr-Solaar/Solaar
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Fred Brooker's avatar
Fred Brooker


* Updates
* Strong sandboxing
* Good integration with the desktop
* Can use shared libraries
* Can be slower to start
* Requires a runtime environment

* Updates
* Can include system services
* Good for server applications
* Less secure sandboxing
* Can be resource-intensive
* Requires a daemon to run

* Portable
* No installation
* No automatic updates
* Limited integration
* Requires libfuse2 library

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Silicon Valley Tea Party a.k.a. the great 1998 Linux revolt take II

Link: marc.merlins.org/linux/teapart
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Linux EFI Zboot Abandoning "Compression Library Museum", Focusing on Gzip, ZSTD

Link: phoronix.com/news/Linux-EFI-Zb
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Droppie [infosec] 🐨:archlinux: :kde: :firefox_nightly: :thunderbird: :vegan:​'s avatar
Droppie [infosec] 🐨:archlinux: :kde: :firefox_nightly: :thunderbird: :vegan:


My Hashtag Dump [as part of my latest Instance-hop🤦‍♀️]





Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Intel announces Arc B-series "Battlemage" discrete graphics with Linux support

Link: phoronix.com/review/intel-arc-
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Interview of Robert Shingledecker, Tiny Core Linux and DSL Developer (2009)

Link: distrowatch.com/weekly.php?iss
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Jared “Indie Social Web” White's avatar
Jared “Indie Social Web” White


Hello friends!

Just a reminder, I often don't post about specific technologies on my personal account here.

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Cheers! ☺️✌️

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Bootkitty: Analyzing the first UEFI bootkit for Linux

Link: welivesecurity.com/en/eset-res
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Linux 6.13 Will Report the Number of Hung Tasks Since Boot

Link: phoronix.com/news/Linux-6.13-N
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Security researchers identify new malware targeting Linux

Link: welivesecurity.com/en/eset-res
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Linux kernel 6.12 has been released

Link: lwn.net/Articles/997958/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Bpftune uses BPF to auto-tune Linux systems

Link: github.com/oracle/bpftune
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Seer: A GUI front end to GDB for Linux

Link: github.com/epasveer/seer
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Old Vintage Computing Research: Dusting Off Dreamcast Linux

Link: oldvcr.blogspot.com/2023/02/du
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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WebVM 2.0: A complete Linux Desktop Environment in the browser via WebAssembly

Link: labs.leaningtech.com/blog/webv
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Improving Steam Client Stability on Linux

Link: ttimo.typepad.com/blog/2024/11
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Linux Asceticism

Link: rugu.dev/en/blog/linux-ascetic
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Fell @ #FOSDEM's avatar
Fell @ #FOSDEM


I started regularly donating about a year ago. I am now supporting 8 different projects with 20,77€ per month, and it didn't hurt at all.

Why pay for something free? Because free software only exists because other people already paid for it. Someone has to do it. It's time to do your part!

If you can afford a subscription service, then you probably can afford a little donation, too. Start with 0.1% of your income.

Check out @Liberapay or @opencollective

A social media post image with the headline:
Are you paying monthly for some of these?
Followed by the logos of Disney+, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Spotify and Discord.
Then, another headline:
Consider donating to some of these:
Followed by the logos of: Debian, XFCE, KDE, GNOME, postmarketOS, Inkscape, Pixelfed, Mastodon, F-Droid, GIMP, Arch Linux, Linux Mint, Liberapay, Matrix, Syncthing and PeerTube.
There is also a remark at the bottom of the image: Disagree with my selection of projects? Make your own version of this graphic by editing the original from https://furbasik.de/consider-donating.svg
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Linux Syscall Support

Link: chromium.googlesource.com/linu
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Accelerating the Performance of Rosetta in Linux VMs on Apple Silicon

Link: developer.apple.com/documentat
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D Linux Performance: Zen 5 With 3D V-Cache

Link: phoronix.com/review/amd-ryzen-
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Manjaro Linux prepares to enable telemetry by default

Link: forum.manjaro.org/t/testers-ne
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Why systemd is a problem for embedded Linux

Link: kevinboone.me/systemd_embedded
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Linux on Apple Silicon with Alyssa Rosenzweig

Link: softwareengineeringdaily.com/2
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


ATL: A layer to run Android apps on Linux

Link: gitlab.com/android_translation
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


NewPipe on Linux, Using Android_translation_layer

Link: flathub.org/apps/net.newpipe.N
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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A deep dive into Linux's new mseal syscall

Link: blog.trailofbits.com/2024/10/2
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Goodbye from a Linux Community Volunteer

Link: lore.kernel.org/netdev/2m53bmu
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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The long road to lazy preemption in the Linux CPU scheduler

Link: lwn.net/SubscriberLink/994322/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


OpenVMM – A New VMM for Windows and Linux, Written in Rust

Link: github.com/microsoft/openvmm
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Asterinas: OS kernel written in Rust and providing Linux-compatible ABI

Link: github.com/asterinas/asterinas
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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The state of GNU/Linux and a case against shared object libraries

Link: mitjafelicijan.com/the-abysmal
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Furilabs Linux Phone

Link: furilabs.com/shop/flx1/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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A Journey from Linux to FreeBSD

Link: freebsdfoundation.org/blog/cel
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Switching customers from Linux to BSD because boring is good

Link: theregister.com/2024/10/08/swi
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Google is preparing to let you run Linux apps on Android, just like Chrome OS

Link: androidauthority.com/android-l
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


AAA Gaming on Asahi Linux

Link: rosenzweig.io/blog/aaa-gaming-
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Who's a Good Boy? A Puppy Linux Mini-Review

Link: bbbhltz.codeberg.page/blog/202
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


We need a real GNU/Linux (not Android) smartphone ecosystem

Link: old.reddit.com/r/linux/comment
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Linux from Scratch

Link: linuxfromscratch.org/index.htm
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Show HN: kew – A Terminal Music Player for Linux

Link: github.com/ravachol/kew
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Perfctl: A Stealthy Malware Targeting Linux Servers

Link: aquasec.com/blog/perfctl-a-ste
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


The Arch Linux team is now working directly with Valve

Link: tomshardware.com/software/linu
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Linux 6.12 Features Super Real-Time, Sched_ext, Intel Xe2 and Pi 5

Link: phoronix.com/review/linux-612-
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


No more blurry fonts in Linux

Link: blog.aktsbot.in/no-more-blurry
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Linus Torvalds muses about maintainer gray hairs and the next 'King of Linux'

Link: zdnet.com/article/linus-torval
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Linux/4004: booting Linux on Intel 4004 for fun, art, and no profit

Link: dmitry.gr/?r=05.Projects&proj=
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Real-time Linux is officially part of the kernel

Link: arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/0
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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A overview of binaries, ELF, and NoMMU on Linux

Link: lists.landley.net/pipermail/to
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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How Raw sockets behave differently in macOS and Linux

Link: swagnik.netlify.app/posts/how-
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Race conditions in Linux Kernel perf events

Link: binarygecko.com/race-condition
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Linux dev swatted and handcuffed live during a development video stream

Link: tomshardware.com/software/linu
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Linux 6.11 Released

Link: lwn.net/Articles/990307/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Installing Arch Linux on a Laptop

Link: giacomo.coletto.io/blog/arch-a
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


My business card runs Linux (and Ultrix), yours can too

Link: dmitry.gr/?r=05.Projects&proj=
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Binsider – A TUI for analyzing Linux binaries

Link: binsider.dev/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Linux's Bedtime Routine

Link: tookmund.com/2024/09/hibernati
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Cron Jobs on Linux – Comprehensive Guide with Examples

Link: ittavern.com/cron-jobs-on-linu
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Show HN: Hacker League – Open-Source Rocket League on Linux

Link: github.com/moritztng/hacker-le
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Porting systemd to musl Libc-powered Linux

Link: catfox.life/2024/09/05/porting
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Upgrading a Toshiba NAS HDD Firmware on Linux

Link: syscall.eu/blog/2024/08/28/tos
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


OrbStack: The fast, light, and easy way to run Docker containers and Linux

Link: orbstack.dev/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Why You Should Learn Linux (As a Developer)

Link: opiero.medium.com/why-you-shou
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Show HN: A retro terminal text editor for GNU/Linux coded in C (C-edit)

Link: github.com/velorek1/C-edit
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Rust solves the problem of incomplete Kernel Linux API docs

Link: vt.social/@lina/11305645796914
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Expect – Linux tool for automating interactive programs

Link: linux.die.net/man/1/expect
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Rust in Linux Revisited

Link: drewdevault.com/2024/08/30/202
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Shufflecake: Plausible deniability for hidden filesystems on Linux (2023)

Link: eprint.iacr.org/2023/1529
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Linus Torvalds talks AI, Rust, & why Linux is the only thing that matters

Link: zdnet.com/article/linus-torval
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Boxxy puts bad Linux applications in a box with only their files

Link: github.com/queer/boxxy
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Rustproofing Linux (Part 1/4 Leaking Addresses) (2023)

Link: research.nccgroup.com/2023/02/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Eazel, ex-Apple led Linux startup

Link: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eazel
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Linux: We need tiling desktop environments

Link: linuxblog.io/linux-tiling-desk
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Linux Pipes Are Slow

Link: qsantos.fr/2024/08/25/linux-pi
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Celebrating 6 years since Valve announced Steam Play Proton for Linux

Link: gamingonlinux.com/2024/08/cele
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Linux desktop market share climbs to 4.45%

Link: ostechnix.com/linux-market-sha
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


David Mackenzie – A Personal History with Linux and BSD Unix [video]

Link: youtube.com/watch?v=D7vfI-WSP8
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


PS4 Emulator for Windows,Linux,macOS

Link: github.com/shadps4-emu/shadPS4
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


So you want to build an embedded Linux system?

Link: jaycarlson.net/embedded-linux/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Pancho :this_is_fine:'s avatar
Pancho :this_is_fine:


Cidade nova, instância nova!

para a bolha.one! :bolha:

Artista Visual trabalhando com - atualmente no canal do Zee Bashew.

Curto edição gráfica e de vídeo com no -

Estou estudando game dev no .

Jogador de mas to fora do rolê RPGs corporativos (Hasbro/WotC). Curto os , os , os , os , além de , e os jogos da . Atualmente jogo com um grupo chamado Mangará.

Gosto de filmes lentos e músicas rápidas.

:vegan: pelos animais há 20 anos.

:verified_df: Morador do DF há menos de 24h.

Fuck nazis!

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Adbfs-rootless – Mount Android phones on Linux with adb. No root required

Link: github.com/spion/adbfs-rootles
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux interactive application firewall

Link: github.com/evilsocket/opensnit
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Linux for UX Designers: What I learn after a year of doing design work on Linux

Link: chris-wood.design/resources/li
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


CVE-2023-2163: How we found and fixed an eBPF Linux Kernel Vulnerability

Link: bughunters.google.com/blog/630
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


AMD Ryzen 5 9600X and Ryzen 7 9700X Offer Excellent Linux Performance

Link: phoronix.com/review/ryzen-9600
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Revisiting Linux CPU Scheduling

Link: uninformativ.de/blog/postings/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


xdg-override: change default application temporarily on Linux

Link: github.com/koiuo/xdg-override
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Compared to other distros, Vanilla OS 2 'Orchid' is rewriting how Linux works

Link: theregister.com/2024/07/31/van
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Building static binaries with Go on Linux

Link: eli.thegreenplace.net/2024/bui
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Linux Network Performance Ultimate Guide

Link: ntk148v.github.io/posts/linux-
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide

Link: sysprog21.github.io/lkmpg/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Funtoo Linux is shutting down

Link: forums.funtoo.org/topic/5182-a
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


The Linux audio stack demystified

Link: blog.rtrace.io/posts/the-linux
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


From Linux to NetBSD, with SSH Only

Link: cloudbsd.xyz/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Imperfect, Linux-powered, DIY smart TV is the embodiment of ad fatigue

Link: arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/0
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Hiding Linux Processes with Bind Mounts

Link: righteousit.com/2024/07/24/hid
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


The Linux audio stack demystified (and more)

Link: blog.rtrace.io/posts/the-linux
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Timeshift: System Restore Tool for Linux

Link: github.com/linuxmint/timeshift
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Microsoft: Linux Is the Top Operating System on Azure Today

Link: thenewstack.io/microsoft-linux
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Bash-Oneliners: A collection of terminal tricks for Linux

Link: github.com/onceupon/Bash-Oneli
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


CrowdStrike's Falcon Sensor also linked to Linux kernel panics and crashes

Link: theregister.com/2024/07/21/cro
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


A Linux kernel syscall implementation tracker

Link: syscalls.mebeim.net/?table=x86
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


CrowdStrike broke Debian and Rocky Linux months ago, but no one noticed

Link: neowin.net/news/crowdstrike-br
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Xwax Is an Open-Source Digital Vinyl System (DVS) for Linux

Link: xwax.org/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


NVIDIA Transitions Fully Towards Open-Source Linux GPU Kernel Modules

Link: developer.nvidia.com/blog/nvid
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


A Review of Linux on Surface Pro 4

Link: binwang.me/2024-07-12-A-Review
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


KUtrace: Low-overhead Linux kernel tracing facility

Link: github.com/dicksites/KUtrace
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Talos: Secure, immutable, and minimal Linux OS for running Kubernetes

Link: talos.dev
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Capturing Linux SSL/TLS plaintext without a CA certificate using eBPF

Link: github.com/gojue/ecapture
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


WebVM is a server-less virtual Linux environment running client-side

Link: webvm.io/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Show HN: Dut, a fast Linux disk usage calculator

Link: codeberg.org/201984/dut
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Zed on Linux Is Here

Link: zed.dev/linux
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


DB Browser for SQLite (Windows, macOS, and Most Versions of Linux)

Link: sqlitebrowser.org/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


TUI for Managing WiFi on Linux

Link: github.com/pythops/impala
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Show HN: Xcapture-BPF – like Linux top, but with Xray vision

Link: 0x.tools/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Making a Linux-managed network switch

Link: blog.brixit.nl/making-a-linux-
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Booting Linux Off of Google Drive

Link: ersei.net/en/blog/fuse-root
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


RegreSSHion: RCE in OpenSSH's server, on glibc-based Linux systems

Link: qualys.com/2024/07/01/cve-2024
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Canonical's 'distroless' Linux images are a game-changer for enterprises

Link: zdnet.com/article/canonicals-d
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


CVE-2021-4440: A Linux CNA Case Study

Link: grsecurity.net/cve-2021-4440_l
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Linux community mourns loss of WiFi driver expert Larry Finger

Link: arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/0
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


How to Run Adobe Photoshop 2024 on Wine (Linux)

Link: forum.mattkc.com/viewtopic.php
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


CentOS Linux 7 will reach EOL on Sunday

Link: redhat.com/en/topics/linux/cen
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Review of Linux on Minisforum V3 AMD Ryzen Tablet

Link: mudkip.me/2024/04/14/A-Brief-R
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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The ChatGPT Linux System

Link: incoherency.co.uk/blog/stories
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


CRIU, a project to implement checkpoint/restore functionality for Linux

Link: criu.org/Main_Page
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


SUSE upgrades its distros with 19 years of support – no other Linux comes close

Link: zdnet.com/article/suse-upgrade
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Swapping GNU coreutils for uutils coreutils on Gentoo Linux

Link: joshmcguigan.com/blog/gentoo-u
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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EasyOS: An Experimental Linux Distribution

Link: easyos.org/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Linux China, which supported the Chinese open source community, has ended

Link: linux.cn/article-16602-1.html
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Intel-undervolt: CPU undervolting and throttling configuration tool for Linux

Link: github.com/kitsunyan/intel-und
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Packaging Swift Apps for Alpine Linux

Link: mko.re/blog/swift-alpine-packa
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Making my first embedded Linux system

Link: popovicu.com/posts/making-my-f
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Show HN: Keydogger – Minimal keyboard macro for Linux (Wayland)

Link: github.com/jarusll/keydogger
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Swift Static Linux SDK

Link: swift.org/documentation/articl
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite prototype that runs Linux emerges

Link: techradar.com/pro/qualcomm-sna
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Desktop Linux is an Untapped Gold Mine

Link: gebna.gg/blog/desktop-linux-is
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Why Linux developers do not fix reported issues or ignore bug reports

Link: linux-regtracking.leemhuis.inf
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Debian KDE: Right Linux distribution for professional digital painting in 2024

Link: davidrevoy.com/article1030/deb
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


USB disk as /dev/sda on a not-rooted smartphone using Termux, QEMU, Alpine Linux

Link: gist.github.com/NoteAfterNote/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


I Miss BSD/Linux

Link: brainbaking.com/post/2024/05/i
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Linux virtual machines, with a focus on running containers

Link: lima-vm.io/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

JimmyChezPants's avatar


If you are attempting to try out a desktop for the first time because you've had enough of Microsoft's shit but are feeling a need to scream in order to express just how frustratingly weird and annoying this operating system is...

I'm here for you. I promise to do my best to *both* validate your emotions and guide you towards the knowledge you need to be free.

edit: questions in reply to this as a start; I've been thinking about how best to actually do more than merely promote...

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Goodix Fingerprint Drivers for Linux (Or at Least Debian)

Link: github.com/tcsenpai/goodix-deb
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Bytehound: Memory Profiler for Linux

Link: github.com/koute/bytehound
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Cortile – Linux auto tiling manager with hot corner support

Link: github.com/leukipp/cortile
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Linux 6.10 Honors One Last ReiserFS Request Made by Hans Reiser

Link: phoronix.com/news/ReiserFS-REA
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Linux 6.10 Will Print the Number of Populated Memory Slots at Boot Time

Link: phoronix.com/news/Linux-6.10-P
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Katy – 68000 Linux on a Solderless Breadboard

Link: bigmessowires.com/2014/11/17/6
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Free, Linux Capable, Self-Hosting 64bit RISC-V Computer on an FPGA

Link: contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~somlo/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Arch Linux RISC-V

Link: archriscv.felixc.at/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Exploring GNU extensions in the Linux kernel

Link: maskray.me/blog/2024-05-12-exp
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Upstreaming Linux kernel support for the Snapdragon X Elite

Link: qualcomm.com/developer/blog/20
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Object oriented design patterns in the Linux kernel (2011)

Link: lwn.net/Articles/444910/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Opening Windows in Linux with sockets, bare hands and 200 lines of C

Link: hereket.com/posts/from-scratch
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Linux When?

Link: zed.dev/blog/zed-decoded-linux
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Preview Builds of the Zed Editor Now Available for Linux

Link: zed.dev/releases/preview
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


FridgeLock: Preventing Data Theft on Suspended Linux with Memory Encryption (2020)

Link: sec.in.tum.de/i20/publications
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


How to install Linux from a Windows installer

Link: prose.nsood.in/linux-from-wind
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Aboriginal Linux

Link: landley.net/aboriginal/about.h
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Let's Embed a Go Program into the Linux Kernel

Link: sigma-star.at/blog/2023/07/emb
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Factorio – Statistics improvements, Linux adventures

Link: factorio.com/blog/post/fff-408
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


A BSD person tries Alpine Linux

Link: rubenerd.com/a-bsd-pserson-try
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Rust-Written LAVD Kernel Scheduler Shows Promising Results for Linux Gaming

Link: phoronix.com/news/LAVD-Schedul
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Lunatik: Lunatik is a framework for scripting the Linux kernel with Lua

Link: github.com/luainkernel/lunatik
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Multipath TCP for Linux (2022)

Link: mptcp.dev/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


NetBSD 10: Proper old-school Unix, not like those lazy, decadent Linux types

Link: theregister.com/2024/04/17/30y
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Control Linux based distros using hand gestures using OpenCV, GTK, Mediapipe

Link: github.com/flying-pizza-69/Ges
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Linux fu: getting started with systemd

Link: hackaday.com/2024/04/11/linux-
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Hidden dependencies in Linux binaries

Link: thelittleengineerthatcould.blo
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


FyneDesk – Linux desktop environment in Go

Link: github.com/FyshOS/fynedesk
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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Hacker News 50


Building a Linux Container Using Namespaces: Part – 1

Link: polarsparc.com/xhtml/Container
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


The Linux Command Line

Link: linuxcommand.org/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


German state ditches Microsoft for Linux and LibreOffice

Link: zdnet.com/article/german-state
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Show HN: Libmui is a macOS Classic widget lib for Linux

Link: github.com/buserror/libmui
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Xz: Can you spot the single character that disabled Linux landlock?

Link: git.tukaani.org/?p=xz.git;a=bl
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Linux ext2 filesystem driver now marked as deprecated

Link: bootlin.com/blog/ext2-filesyst
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Managing Linux Servers with Cockpit

Link: lwn.net//Articles/965434/
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Monogon: A Linux userland in pure Go

Link: github.com/monogon-dev/monogon
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Linux Text Manipulation

Link: yusuf.fyi/posts/linux-text-man
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3

Hacker News 50's avatar
Hacker News 50


Deej: An open-source hardware volume mixer for Windows and Linux

Link: github.com/omriharel/deej
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3

christos's avatar


Radion, an internet radio CLI client, written in Bash.
It can work with read, fzf, dmenu or rofi.
Any feedback is welcome.

radion, an internet radio CLI client, written in Bash, working with dmenuradion, an internet radio CLI client, written in Bash, working with fzfradion, an internet radio CLI client, written in Bash, working with read (no dependencies other than mpv)radion, an internet radio CLI client, written in Bash, working with rofi
finn's avatar


Why is this so accurate?

A few people standing around two lobsters fighting, apparently betting on a potential winner. Every person and both lobsters have the caption "Linux users" written on them, implying that the Linux community members are constantly fighting each other, much to the pleasure of the rest of the community.
Marcos Dione's avatar
Marcos Dione



:sad_face: enthusiast (most of them) (not much of it)

Father of two, make my own maps and computer tools, have my own home server, fix as many things as I can myself, love to drive and travel by car but not for the city, and much more.

Mostly boosts, in several languages, including some I can't speak, write or read.

Stefano Marinelli's avatar
Stefano Marinelli


It's time for an .

I'm glad to meet you! I'm the main administrator of the bsd.cafe instance (and other projects), a computer science enthusiast who's been fascinated by technology since childhood. I'm a big supporter of open-source solutions and enjoy working with and systems. I enjoy and . I've been an avid traveler and am now looking forward to getting back to traveling.I'm married to a wonderful wife and strive to live each day with a positive attitude,making the most of every day to improve our lives.

I like writing blog articles, especially tech ones (it-notes.dragas.net) and, from time to time, some of them are widely appreciated, especially in the open-source community.

Thank you for passing by and reading my introduction, enjoy your stay here in the

Stefano Marinelli's avatar
Stefano Marinelli


🌟 Introducing BSD.cafe 🌟

Excited to present the first building block of the BSD Cafe project! When I registered this domain months ago, I envisioned a themed bar where we can casually chat about *BSD systems, Linux, and Open-Source technology among friends, acquaintances, and patrons. But like any bar, discussions can cover a wide range of topics while respecting everyone.

BSD.cafe will be a hub for various tools and services, powered by *BSD.

The first brick is a new Mastodon instance, a gateway to the Fediverse. Registration is open, and the server will be moderated under clear guidelines promoting good behavior and zero tolerance for hate towards anyone. Inclusivity, respect, and constructive dialogue are the key values of this new instance.

The main server is currently hosted in Finland on a small VM, based on . Services are divided into VNET jails, connected in a LAN via a local bridge. A VPN system is also present and have been able to move individual jails to different, more powerful, machines.

Multimedia data and cache are hosted on another physical server (FreeBSD, within a jail), with Cloudflare in front. The aim is to cache and geodistribute data, reducing network traffic on the main VPS.

Reverse proxy (frontend), mail server, media server, and the instance itself are reachable via .

The instance started empty. No unnecessary content was pre-loaded; I want it to grow organically based on users' interests and following. There won't be any preemptive blocks at this stage. Users are encouraged to promptly report anything they find worth flagging.

Join us at mastodon.bsd.cafe to build a constructive and inclusive community—a safe and relaxing space for everyone.

Our wiki, located at wiki.bsd.cafe, features essential links and articles related to the BSD world. It provides an overview of the tools, services, rules, uptime, and more information about the BSD Cafe Services.

A Matrix server, a Miniflux RSS Reader, the Wiki itself, and the BlendIT Lemmy instance are all part of the BSD Cafe services, with more to come.

christos's avatar


Οταν μπηκα στο καφενειο, καποιος μου σφυριξε οτι αλλοι 3 4 εχουν Ενα μικρο δωρακι λοιπον για τους λιγους και καλους, να βλεπουν και να κατεβαζουν ο,τι θελουν απο το youtube.
Το σκριπτακι ειναι δικο μου, ο,τι ερωτηση/παρατηρηση εχετε ειναι ευπροσδεκτη.

i am root's avatar
i am root


Hi to all the new people and thanks for the follows! Here is my .

I live in the rainy Pacific Northwest. I play guitar and keys and enjoy live music, video games and , among other things.

I've been on and off Mastodon since 2018. I tend to migrate from place to place and try to stay pseudo-anonymous online as much as possible.

For the day job I work in tech as a software engineer and admin.

Simon 🐮's avatar
Simon 🐮


Hmmm, , things that interest me hashtags...

(stickertrade.me 😬 )

(alternate spelling for countries with an E in their name :D )

About me:
Tinkerer, idiot, see my bio, BSc in Applied Physics.

I can probably think of more right after I hit that toot button.

Joel :void: :casio:'s avatar
Joel :void: :casio:


I am Joel, , 24, a who tends to learn other things/waste time online instead.

I like and customizing everything, such as , or my , I use btw

I like meeting new people online, I'm an introvert irl, I like sharing pics, I enjoy learning new on a regular basis.
